Saturday, September 18, 2010

Note to Congress: Trickle Down Economics is not Working for U.S.

The "Trickle Down Economics" theory has been tried before and has always failed the economically lower 80% of the population. Now Congress is trying to convince the American people that it is a valid solution again. How has that solution been working for us since 2001? Fat cat congressmen and their wealthy friends tell us that by continuing the Bush tax cuts for the rich that the money they pocket will somehow trickle down to the middle-class and the poor. Proponents claim that if the top income earners invest more into the business infrastructure and equity markets, it will in turn lead to more goods at lower prices, and create more jobs for middle and lower class individuals. Also known as the "Horse and Sparrow" theory in the late 1800's using the analogy if you fed the horse more oats, the sparrow would find more food in the horse's dung! Some claim this led to "The Panic" of 1896. Reaganomics, Supply Side Economics, or Keynesian economics, they all have the same result; the rich get richer, and the middle class and poor get the dung. If you remember the TV show "All in the Family" and it's Republican-minded main character Archie Bunker, you may remember he mistakenly, but more appropriately, would call it Nixon's "Tinkle Down Theory", which was supported by his hero and Republican President, Richard Millhouse Nixon.

Let's face it, the rich are holding onto their money in these unstable economic times, and the middle-class and poor have a lot less. We are in an economic stale-mate, and the middle-class, which set or country apart from the rest and made America the great nation it was, is disappearing. We are becoming a nation more like China, Saudi Arabia, and the nations of Africa. The upper 3% controls 80% of the wealth in the U.S., and the comical part is 20% of the people think they are in the upper 3%. I do not think the lower 80% are so delusional. If you want to see the money start to flow again, put it in the hands of the ones that spend it on groceries, to keep a roof over their heads, and buy the goods that keep small businesses thriving. President Obama is only trying to get taxes on the rich back to the levels they were in the 1990's! Back before the Bush tax cuts for the rich in 2001. Remember the Clinton years? We need to get rid of the loopholes and implement a flat tax in the long run, but for now the rich need to pay their fair share. We need to quit balancing the nation's budgets on the backs of the working people of this country.

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