Saturday, April 24, 2010

Jan Brewer and John McCain must go

Your next Senator Kyl, but as Kurt Warner says, first things first:

Can anyone see the pattern here of knee jerk reaction by some politicians to the loud, and the demonstrative, angry crowd? This is desperation politics at its worst. No thought, no study into what is right. Just react to the biggest, loudest crowd to court their vote and get re-elected. Always preaching to the choir and bowing to their demands so they can hang on to their power for another term, and then serve their cronies, special interests, and the lobbyists until the next election nears. They do this because that is where their power really lays. That is where they get their money to fill their coffers, to influence their "friends", and to bamboozle the electorate when re-election time comes along with expensive campaigns and commercials.

John McCain has been doing this for 28 years now. He started in 1982 moving to Arizona as a war hero, born and raised in North Carolina. Did he come here because he loved Arizona, and wanted to help and fight for its citizens? No, he saw an easily won seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in a conservative state that would feel honored that this national figure would want to represent their state. He was right, and his journey to become President of the United States had begun. Next step U.S. Senator, and it was accomplished in 1986. 14 years later he would make his first bid for President. Arizona has been a nice stepping stone for him, and I do not doubt that he has acquired affection for our state over the years, but Washington has always been his goal, and that is where he wants to stay. He sometimes does the right thing for this state, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn sometimes, but his goal has always been to get re-elected, and someday be President. He almost made it, but a less qualified, yet more powerfully financed ladder climber named George W. Bush was crowned President, stealing Senator McCain's dream. Now he desperately holds his position by standing at the border with crony-in-chief Jon Kyl (another blog) surrounded by an angry mob and screaming, "This state is going broke, we need 3000 National Guard troops at our border". What does one have to do with the other? He has lost his focus, his only goal is to get re-elected, and it is an election year. So he stands amongst the angry, loud, demonstrative crowd, surrounded by TV cameras, and tells them what they want to hear.

Jan Brewer was not born in Arizona, but moved here with her husband from California, started and raised her family here, as many do, and was elected to the state house of representatives in 1983. She became a state senator in 1987, served as majority whip from 1993 to 1996, before defeating Ed King to become Maricopa County Supervisor from 1996-2002. Her last elected post was Secretary of State in 2002. A position she obviously seemed qualified for due to her understanding of the inner workings of the state, but like Sarah Palin, it was a position too close to the top for a journeyman legislator. Now she stands as the primary decision maker in our state, and she has clearly risen above her level of competency. Do we need guns in bars? To what end? Concealed weapons without training? To what purpose does this serve? A birther bill that is more racist than functional. Wasting our state money with a lawsuit against the federal government, that has already been filed by other states. And she is now signing a bill that supports racial profiling, and will result in the filing of hundreds, if not thousands , of lawsuits against our state. She clearly should not have the steering wheel to this state in her hand, but there she stands, bowing to the loud, demonstrative, angry crowd. Doing what she ignorantly thinks is right, so she can get elected and hold onto power that she was never elected to have in the first place.

Their stories are different, but their tactics to hold onto power are the same. One is much smarter than the other, but they both bow to the lowest common denominator. The change we voted for from our federal government needs to take place in Arizona.

p.s. This is not an endorsement for that dufus JD Hayworth (Hoss Cartwright). Electing him would drive us back into the Stone Age.

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