Monday, April 19, 2010

Now that the ISP's have taken control of our Internet

I have been writing about Net Neutrality and warning people about the need to keep the Internet open for a long time, only to be met with apathy on one side, and indignation on the other. Now we are going to get what we get from ISP's. What will that be? The same thing you get from your cable and dish companies. Chopped up services, and packages that cost you more and do not allow you to go, and do, whatever you want on the Internet. We just handed our free Internet over to corporate America to do with what they want. President Obama, and the FCC, have been warning us about this for the last year and a half, but everyone has been too worried about Kate Gosselyn, and Tiger Woods, or wringing their hands anticipating the windfall! Now the Republicans, lobbyists, and special interests have created another cash cow so they can line their pockets with our money. Billions of dollars of our money!

What do we do now. Write the FCC, write your congressmen, and tell everyone. Maybe it is not too late if everyone would finally get behind this President, who cares about us, and drown out the squeaky wheels. They do not need any more grease, because they just bank it, keep on squeaking, and ask for more!

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